Monday, October 26, 2009

Planning the Work, Working the Plan

Wow... that is the word we are using a lot around here lately.

Wow! The new BoardDocs is so cool.
Wow! So many people want to host training sessions for us.
Wow! There is a lot to do to convert all of our subscribers to the new BoardDocs.

After the first successful new implementation at Toledo Public Schools last week, we are all excited to move ahead.

From a training perspective, the new BoardDocs is going to be fabulous, honestly. This web 2.0 technology is amazing, and let's us do things in easy, intuitive ways. I love that.

We are steadily getting the regional training sessions lined up, and putting a system in place for everyone to sign up for the sessions. Look for announcements via email about dates in your area.

In addition to planning for the regional conversion sessions for 1st quarter of 2010 and beyond, we are also simultaneously planning and installing new subscribers. This multitasking stuff is not for the weak of heart, but heck, we're up to the task.

Next week, Beta customer #2 comes online - Chesterfield County Public Schools in the Richmond, VA area.

Stay tuned, we have a lot to tell you!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Holy Toledo!

October 19 -20, 2009

The very first Board of Education to receive the NEW BoardDocs was Toledo Public Schools. We are so excited to finally begin to share this with everyone. The folks at Toledo Public Schools said "we want to be the first district to use the NEW BoardDocs." They are helping us to "fine tune" it so it's ready for everyone very soon.

Ari, Michael, Dawn and Laura were all on hand in Toledo to celebrate the first implementation and training. We loved that the board members were excited and willing to become the first Board of Education in the Nation to use the New BoardDocs! I had fun training them, watching their reactions as I showed them all the new cool things they can do.

Of course -- we love to share BoardDocs, but we also love visiting and learning about the cities and districts we are Laura puts it, "It's all about the food!"

Who can come to Toledo Ohio and NOT have a meal at Tony Packo's.

All the food was terrific and WORTH all the calories!

Such wonderful folks at Toledo Public Schools. We are so thankful that they agreed to be the first district and to help us get it ready for all of you!

Thanks Toledo!

P.S. Nice shoes Cheryl!